The University of Arkansas gained the verbal commitment of 4-star defensive lineman Reginald Vaughn, who went public with his pledge during a ceremony at his high school on Saturday afternoon.
Vaughn, 6-3 and 260 pounds, of Flowood (Miss.) Hartfield Academy, picked the Hogs over other finalist of Ole Miss, LSU and Mississippi State.
He also accumulated scholarship offers from Georgia, Penn State, Texas, Georgia Tech, Auburn, Florida, Tennessee and others during the recruiting process.
He and his mother Romonda made a two-day visit to Fayetteville in March and for an official visit on June 21-23. Vaughn also visited June 12 to support his brother and his high school team at Arkansas' lineman camp and 7-on-7 event.
Razorback Coach Sam Pittman and defensive line coach Deke Adams set the tone for his pledge.
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