Cornerback target Aidan Anding, ‘Uncle Wilson’ build a bond

Major University of Arkansas cornerback target Aidan Anding, who visited the Hogs on Saturday, said his relationship with secondary coach Deron Wilson and other coaches on staff is the best of all the schools recruiting him.

"I don't look at them as like coaches even though they're going to be my coaches," Anding said. "I look at them more as family, like they're my uncles or something. They made recruiting more personal and they involved my whole family."

Anding, 6-0 and 165 pounds, of Ruston (La.), has scholarship offers from schools like Arkansas, Texas, LSU, TCU, Miami, Ole Miss, Georgia Tech, Baylor, Houston and others.

He received a scholarship offer from Wilson on Jan. 31 and followed up with an unofficial visit to Fayetteville in March, then an official visit on June 14-16.


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