The Recruiting Guy

UNDER THE RADAR: Bryant offensive lineman Cairo Terry

Bryant wide receiver Karter Ratliff (12) celebrates with teammate Cairo Terry (66) after a touchdown during the second quarter of Bryant’s 52-33 win on Friday, Nov. 3, 2023, at John McConnell Stadium in Conway. .(Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Thomas Metthe)
Bryant wide receiver Karter Ratliff (12) celebrates with teammate Cairo Terry (66) after a touchdown during the second quarter of Bryant’s 52-33 win on Friday, Nov. 3, 2023, at John McConnell Stadium in Conway. .(Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Thomas Metthe)

On Wednesdays we feature an in-state prospect who could be flying under the radar of college coaches. 

This week's prospect is Bryant’s Cairo Terry. 

Class: 2025 

Position: Offensive lineman 

Size: 6-3, 280 pounds 

Stats: as a junior, helped Hornets run for 3,078 yards, 40 touchdowns and passed for 2,918 yards and 33 touchdowns 

Offers: Harding and others 

Coach Quad Sanders: “He’s a three year guy. Extremely hard worker. He’s mauler on the field. He doesn’t get the credit he deserves for the position he plays because of his height. He’s only 6-2-6-3 and he plays tackle for us which speaks values because it’s our most athletic position but he can play all five positions . He shows up every single day. He’s one of the toughest kids I’ve had the chance to coach and he’s really strong. 


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