Four-star class of 2026 defensive end Colton Yarbrough has narrowed his list to five schools, with Arkansas being one of them, and a decision is near.
Yarbrough, a 6-5, 240-pound prospect with an 82-inch wingspan, of Durant, Okla., listed Arkansas, Georgia, Oklahoma State, LSU and Colorado as finalists. He plans to announce his college decision at 5 p.m. Saturday. He has visited Arkansas at least four times with the latest being the Hogwild Hangout last Saturday.
Yarbrough’s relationship with defensive line coach Deke Adams is strong.
“It’s been great the last few times I’ve been there and Coach Adams has been great … and he shows a real interest in me and is genuine,” Yarbrough said in January.
Yarbrough, who has an 82-inch wingspan, received his Arkansas offer in eighth grade.
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