Hot start: High temps, big plays mark camp’s first day

Arkansas quarterback Taylen Green (10) looks over the defense Wednesday as offensive coordinator Bobby Petrino (center) and Coach Sam Pittman look on during the Razorbacks’ first preseason practice in Fayetteville. Pittman said things started slowly but got better as the day went on. “I thought inside run was a little slow. I don’t think we were chasing the ball like we want to chase the ball, but I thought after the first break it picked up for us,” Pittman said.
(NWA Democrat-Gazette/Hank Layton)
Arkansas quarterback Taylen Green (10) looks over the defense Wednesday as offensive coordinator Bobby Petrino (center) and Coach Sam Pittman look on during the Razorbacks’ first preseason practice in Fayetteville. Pittman said things started slowly but got better as the day went on. “I thought inside run was a little slow. I don’t think we were chasing the ball like we want to chase the ball, but I thought after the first break it picked up for us,” Pittman said. (NWA Democrat-Gazette/Hank Layton)

FAYETTEVILLE -- The weapons at the disposal for University of Arkansas quarterback Taylen Green showed their stuff for the opening of training camp on Wednesday.

The Razorbacks worked outside in spider pads in 93-degree heat with the heat index peaking at 104, and it didn't take long for one of the Hogs' top pass catchers to flash.

On the fourth play of "fastball" starts, Green launched a deep ball down the right seam for 6-7 Tyrone Broden, who had cornerback Jaylon Braxton on his hip with hands on either side of his waist. The ball looked irretrievably long, but Broden jumped high and snared the ball with his right hand. Broden landed and kept the ball in one hand as he raced for a score.

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