Razorback report

One-hand grab sets the tone

Arkansas wide receiver Tyrone Broden (left) makes a one-handed catch as defensive back Jaylon Braxton defends during practice Wednesday in Fayetteville.
(NWA Democrat-Gazette/Hank Layton)
Arkansas wide receiver Tyrone Broden (left) makes a one-handed catch as defensive back Jaylon Braxton defends during practice Wednesday in Fayetteville. (NWA Democrat-Gazette/Hank Layton)

FAYETTEVILLE -- University of Arkansas quarterback Taylen Green saw all he needed to see on his pre-snap read and the release from receiver Tyrone Broden.

Green knew 6-foot cornerback Jaylon Braxton was going to be in man coverage on the 6-7 Broden during the fourth snap of fastball starts to open Day 1 of practice for the Razorbacks, so he had his target.

"Yeah, I saw him in man coverage," Green said. "You know I love my guys in man coverage and they tell me all the time, 'Throw it up and I'm going to make a play,' which he did. He made it and it just set the tone for like the whole practice."

Broden set the tone with a leaping, one-hand catch while running full speed with Braxton right on his hip to set practice abuzz early on.

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