UA freshman Kaylyn Brown caps world record effort

University of Arkansas freshman Kaylyn Brown (bottom right) poses with her teammates — including Razorbacks volunteer coach Shamier Little (bottom left) — after setting a world record of 3 minutes, 7.41 seconds in the 1,600-meter mixed relay on Friday at the Paris Olympics. Brown ran 49.45 seconds on the final leg and helped to break the previous world mark of 3:08.80 set last year.
(AP/Bernat Armangue)
University of Arkansas freshman Kaylyn Brown (bottom right) poses with her teammates — including Razorbacks volunteer coach Shamier Little (bottom left) — after setting a world record of 3 minutes, 7.41 seconds in the 1,600-meter mixed relay on Friday at the Paris Olympics. Brown ran 49.45 seconds on the final leg and helped to break the previous world mark of 3:08.80 set last year. (AP/Bernat Armangue)

Kaylyn Brown didn't look like a college freshman in anchoring the United States' 1,600-meter mixed relay team to a world record at the Olympics on Friday in Paris.

Brown, 19 and a freshman at the University of Arkansas this year, ran like a seasoned pro in helping the U.S. team run 3 minutes, 07.41 seconds in the first round to advance to Saturday's final. She ran 49.45 on the final leg to extend her team's lead and break the previous mixed relay world record of 3:08.80 run by the U.S. at the World Championships in Budapest Hungary, last year in winning the gold medal with Razorback Rosey Effiong on the team.

The mixed relay, being run at the Olympics for the second time and in international competition for the last five years, features two men and two women.


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