British police officers hurt during unrest

Far-right activists clash with anti-racism protesters across country after stabbing

A demonstrator throws a brick during a protest in Liverpool, England, on Saturday, Aug. 3, 2024, following Monday's stabbing attacks in Southport, in which three young children were killed. (James Speakman/PA via AP)
A demonstrator throws a brick during a protest in Liverpool, England, on Saturday, Aug. 3, 2024, following Monday's stabbing attacks in Southport, in which three young children were killed. (James Speakman/PA via AP)

LONDON -- A number of British police officers were injured Saturday as far-right activists faced off with anti-racism protesters in cities and towns across the country, following a stabbing rampage at a dance class last week that left three girls dead and several wounded.

With dozens of similar gatherings taking place around the country this weekend, police have mounted a significant security operation, deploying thousands more officers onto the streets, many in riot gear. Police have also made more prison cells available and are using surveillance and facial recognition technology. Court hours have also been extended to judge those arrested.

On Saturday, Merseyside Police said a number of officers were injured in "serious disorder" in the center of Liverpool, about 20 miles away from the scene of the stabbing attack in the seaside town of Southport in the northwest of England.


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