Commission in Tulsa to study how to make massacre reparations
August 4, 2024 at 4:00 a.m.
KEN MILLER The Associated Press
OKLAHOMA CITY -- Tulsa officials announced the creation of a new commission to recommend how reparations can be made for a 1921 massacre that destroyed a thriving Black community in the city.
The panel will review a 2023 report for the city and a 2001 report by a state commission on the Tulsa Race Massacre in which a white mob killed as many as 300 Black residents and burned the city's Greenwood District to the ground. Both reports called for financial reparations, which Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum has opposed.
Reparations will likely include a housing equity program, as the Beyond Apology Commission's first task under Bynum's order announced Thursday is to create one. The program would be for survivors of the massacre as well as descendants of victims and other residents of north Tulsa, where the massacre occurred.
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