GOP nominee says he will only debate Harris on Fox News
August 4, 2024 at 4:00 a.m.
Isaac Arnsdorf,Michael Schererand Abbie Cheeseman The Washington Post
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said Saturday that he will no longer appear at a previously scheduled debate on Sept. 10 and will only debate Vice President Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic nominee, if she agrees to his terms: a debate on Sept. 4, hosted by Fox News, with a "full arena audience."
Trump had agreed to a presidential debate on Sept. 10 hosted by ABC News before President Joe Biden dropped out of the race last month, and Harris said Saturday that she would show up for the previously negotiated date regardless of whether Trump attends.
But Trump said Saturday that if Harris does not agree to the new format on Fox News, he would refuse to debate altogether.
"I'll see her September 4th, or I won't see her at all," he posted on his social network, Truth Social.
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