Two men say they were captured in Niger by militants linked to al-Qaida
August 4, 2024 at 4:00 a.m.
SAM MEDNICKand BABA AHMED The Associated Press
DAKAR, Senegal -- Two men claiming to be Russian nationals and saying they were taken captive in Niger by militants linked to al-Qaida appeared in a video published on a media platform affiliated with the extremist group.
The video, which appeared on the az-Zallaqa platform on Friday night, showed two men who said they were seized by the militants while working in Baga in northeastern Niger.
The men, seated side by side and dressed in traditional local clothing, spoke into the camera. One identified himself as Yury, saying he is a geologist and was working for a Russian company when he was arrested by JNIM, the al-Qaida-affiliated group in the region. The other man said his name, which was harder to make out, and said he'd been in Niger for a month.
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