Compiled by Democrat-Gazette staff from wire reports
Bobby Ginn Jr., a major general in the Mississippi National Guard, will succeed retiring Maj. Gen. Janson Boyles as adjutant general and "will continue leading the Mississippi National Guard to its highest possible potential," Gov. Tate Reeves announced in a statement.
Malik Halfacre, 28, of Indianapolis, was sentenced to 145 years in prison in the fatal shootings of three adults and a 7-year-old girl after an argument with his former girlfriend over her federal covid-19 relief money, the Marion County prosecutor's office said in a news release.
Leticia Carvalho of Brazil was elected as the International Seabed Authority's new secretary-general, receiving 79 votes compared with incumbent Michael Lodge's 34 votes.
Michael Drake, the first Black president of the University of California System, called serving in the post "the honor of a lifetime," as he announced that he would step down at the end of the 2024-25 academic year.
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