Favre files appeal in welfare lawsuit

2 National Guard

soldiers die in Iraq

The Associated Press

ATLANTA -- Two Georgia National Guard soldiers died Wednesday in Iraq in what the U.S. Army says were unrelated noncombat deaths.

Spc. Travis Pameni, 23, of Douglasville, died in Baghdad after an incident in another location, the Army said. Pameni was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 121st Infantry Regiment, based in Lawrenceville.

That unit began a mission at an undisclosed location in the Middle East in April.

Spc. Owen Elliott, 23, of Twin City, died in Baghdad. Elliott was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 118th Field Artillery Regiment, based in Savannah.

That unit began a Middle East deployment in December, the Georgia National Guard has said, focusing on air defense artillery.

The Army said it's investigating each death.

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