Initiated act to exempt feminine hygiene products, diapers from sales, use taxes doesn’t meet signatures mark

Dianne Johnson fills out several petitions at the headquarters of the Democratic Party of Arkansas in Little Rock on Friday, June 28, 2024. The deadline for the petitions, which includes one on the abortion amendment, are due July 5. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Colin Murphey)
Dianne Johnson fills out several petitions at the headquarters of the Democratic Party of Arkansas in Little Rock on Friday, June 28, 2024. The deadline for the petitions, which includes one on the abortion amendment, are due July 5. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Colin Murphey)

The ballot committee that proposed an initiated act that would have exempted feminine hygiene products and diapers from sales and use taxes in Arkansas on Friday failed to turn in enough signatures of registered voters for its proposed ballot measure to qualify for more time to gather signatures.

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