East North Street Foundation donates $1 million for Arkansas Children’s Hospital expansion

Arkansas Children's Hospital in Little Rock is seen in this May 5, 2023 file photo. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Colin Murphey)
Arkansas Children's Hospital in Little Rock is seen in this May 5, 2023 file photo. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Colin Murphey)

A foundation has donated $1 million to Arkansas Children's Hospital in support of an expansion project, officials said Tuesday.

The donation comes from the East North Street Foundation, co-founded by David Hendrix and Doug Hendrix, who are brothers.

Arkansas Children's Foundation, the fundraising arm of Arkansas Children's Hospital in Little Rock and Springdale, said in a news release on Tuesday that the expansion project is estimated to cost $235.2 million.

Phase one of construction on the hospital's two locations began earlier this year, and it is scheduled to be completed in 2026.

The Hendrix family foundation has strong ties to Arkansas and is a long-time supporter of Arkansas Children's Hospital, the Arkansas Children's Foundation said in its news release.

"The Hendrix family has long understood the enhanced value their support offers to the children of Arkansas," said Fred Scarborough, executive vice president and chief development officer, in the news release.

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