News release: Northwest Arkansas Community College investigates ransomware incident, works to restore systems

College working to restore systems, according to news release

Northwest Arkansas Community College is shown April 1, 2021 in Bentonville. 
(File Photo/NWA Democrat-Gazette/Charlie Kaijo)
Northwest Arkansas Community College is shown April 1, 2021 in Bentonville. (File Photo/NWA Democrat-Gazette/Charlie Kaijo)

The story was updated to correct a paraphrased comment from the NWACC Student Government Association President.

BENTONVILLE -- Computer systems at Northwest Arkansas Community College stayed offline a third day Thursday with school officials reassuring the staff, students and public they would say more when they know more.

The school is working diligently to restore systems in a safe and secure environment, a news release from the school Thursday says.

"We understand the frustration this has caused and appreciate our community's patience as we continue through the restoration process," the news release states. "Our students, staff, and campus community are a top priority. We remain committed to transparency and will provide updates as we learn more."

Board of Trustees Chairman Mark Scott said he's been in close contact with college President Dennis Rittle during the crisis.

"He's committed to making updates when new information becomes available, so I think it sort of depends on what the investigative team finds," Scott said.

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