Silvey, Crowell compete in state Senate District 3 primary race

Mark Silvey (left), a pastor and businessman from Hope, is challenging state Sen. Steve Crowell, R-Magnolia, in the March 5, 2024 Republican primary for Arkansas Senate District 3. (Courtesy photos)
Mark Silvey (left), a pastor and businessman from Hope, is challenging state Sen. Steve Crowell, R-Magnolia, in the March 5, 2024 Republican primary for Arkansas Senate District 3. (Courtesy photos)

Mark Silvey, a pastor and businessman from Hope, aims to knock off state Sen. Steve Crowell of Magnolia in the March 5 Republican primary, saying he would give Senate District 3 a consistent conservative who "will represent the people rather than big money corporations, PACs and lobbyists."

Senate District 3 includes Clark, Columbia, Lafayette and Nevada counties and parts of Hempstead, Hot Spring and Pike counties.

Crowell, a businessman, has served in the state Senate since 2023. In the 2022 primary election, he ousted Republican state Sen. Charles Beckham of McNeil.

He said he is running for re-election "to continue what I began working towards since my election.

"I have shown that I am a senator who will listen to what is going on in our communities and who has worked to solve the real issues in front of us," Crowell said.


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