Henley defeats Sanders-backed Bradford in House District 88 Republican primary

Dolly Henley (left) and Arnetta Bradford are shown in this undated combined photo.
Dolly Henley (left) and Arnetta Bradford are shown in this undated combined photo.

Washington Republican Dolly Henley defeated Hope Republican Arnetta Bradford, who is backed by Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, in Tuesday’s runoff to win the GOP nomination for a state House seat in southwest Arkansas.

The Henley-Bradford runoff race in House District 88 proved to be the most contentious of the three legislative primary runoffs Tuesday. House District 88 includes all of Hempstead County and parts of Miller and Howard counties. The two other legislative primary runoffs were in the Delta.

With 100% of the votes counted, unofficial returns from the Arkansas Secretary of State’s office were:

Henley — 1,328

Bradford — 1,028

Henley will face Libertarian candidate Tammy Goodwin of Saratoga in the Nov. 5 general election.

Henley described her runoff victory Tuesday night as “a win for the future of District 88.”


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