Bill authorizing ‘market adjustment’ to state employees’ base salary easily clears Senate

FILE — The state Capitol is shown in this undated file photo.
FILE — The state Capitol is shown in this undated file photo.

A bill that would authorize state employees to receive "a market adjustment" of up to 3% of the employee's base salary in the coming fiscal year sailed through the Arkansas Senate on Tuesday.

The legislation also would increase the minimum salary for state employees to $32,405 a year, raise the maximum salary range for all pay grades by 10%, and authorize new incentives for future recruits and current employees who go above and beyond, either through a lump-sum payment or through extra hours of paid leave.

The Senate voted 34-0 to send Senate Bill 77 by Sen. Breanne Davis, R-Russellville, to the House for further action. Sen. Bryan King, R-Green Forest, didn't vote on the bill.

The legislation would implement Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders' temporary pay plan for executive branch employees.


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