Jacksonville Republican will withdraw from House District 66 race because of health

(File Photo/NWA Democrat-Gazette/J.T. Wampler)
(File Photo/NWA Democrat-Gazette/J.T. Wampler)

Nick Priest, a Jacksonville Republican challenging Democratic state Rep. Mark Perry of Jacksonville in the general election, announced Friday he will withdraw from the House race, citing health reasons.

He said in a news release he received a diagnosis of stage 2 colon cancer in January, which required surgery and subsequent recovery.

"After the surgery, I was also diagnosed with Lynch Syndrome," Priest said. "It has become clear to me that I must prioritize my health and my family."

Priest said he wants to express his gratitude to his voters, supporters, family, friends and "the incredible healthcare staff that have stood by me during this challenging time."

"I extend my best wishes to State Representative Perry as he serves the people of District 66, and I hope that our community continues to thrive and prosper," he said in his news release.


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