Arkansas State receives a 10-year reaccreditation

The northern entrance to the campus of Arkansas State University in Jonesboro is shown in this undated courtesy photo from the Twitter account run by ASU's Neil Griffin College of Business. The sign is located on the southwest side of the intersection of the city's East Johnson Avenue and North Caraway Road. (Photo courtesy A-State)
The northern entrance to the campus of Arkansas State University in Jonesboro is shown in this undated courtesy photo from the Twitter account run by ASU's Neil Griffin College of Business. The sign is located on the southwest side of the intersection of the city's East Johnson Avenue and North Caraway Road. (Photo courtesy A-State)

The Higher Learning Commission is reaccrediting Arkansas State University, officials announced Thursday.

The commission -- which accredits colleges and universities across the nation and is the institutional accrediting body for Arkansas State University -- notified A-State Chancellor Todd Shields of its decision to accept the visiting team's report on the university. A commission team visited the university's campus in Jonesboro for a comprehensive review in April.

Accreditation is an important distinction for a college or university and affects its students.

It is a voluntary process of self-regulation and peer review in accordance with an institution's stated goals. The review and evaluation can also help a college or university learn what to improve upon.

For students, attending an accredited college or university helps them qualify for financial aid, such as grants and loans from a state or from the federal government, or continue their education, such as moving onto graduate school, medical school or law school.


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