Fourteen teachers have been named 2025 Arkansas Teacher of the Year Regional Finalists by the Arkansas Division of Elementary and Secondary Education.
The 14 who are from across the regions and who are now competing for the singular Teacher of the Year title, will be honored Aug. 5 at an event at the Governor's Mansion.
"Each of these educators represents some of the best in teaching for Arkansas," Arkansas Education Secretary Jacob Oliva said Friday in announcing the regional finalists. "I congratulate each on achieving this honor and look forward to continued excellence from them both inside and outside the classroom."
The regional finalists will each receive a certificate and a $1,000 prize provided by the Walton Family Foundation of Bentonville.
The regional finalists, their fields of teaching, their schools and school districts are:
Melani Blansett -- theater for grades 10-12 at Cabot High School in the Cabot School District.
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