Nine killed, five injured in vehicle-related accidents on state roads Friday and Saturday

Nine people were killed and five more were injured in five separate vehicle-related accidents on state roads Friday and Saturday, according to preliminary reports from the Arkansas State Police.

One driver and three passengers were killed in an accident in rural Clay County, an incident report states.

The driver, Jordan Rainwater, 27, of Knobel, and passengers Jonathan Sanchez, 30, of Trumann, Brian Pruett, 44, of Blytheville, and Johnny Holt, 47, of Lepanto, died around midnight Friday after the 2004 Cadillac Escalade Rainwater was driving south on Clay 232 Rd. approached a left-hand curve, which Rainwater unsuccessfully tried to navigate. The vehicle left the south side of the roadway and rolled over, causing the passenger side of the vehicle to collide with a ditch embankment.

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