Missouri woman pleads guilty to federal charges in killing of pregnant woman and unborn child

Woman, unborn child died during kidnapping attempt

Amber Waterman
Amber Waterman

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- Amber Waterman admitted in federal court Tuesday she kidnapped a pregnant Benton County woman, resulting in her death and the death of her unborn child.

Waterman, 44, of Pineville, Mo., pleaded guilty without the benefit of a plea agreement to federal charges of kidnapping resulting in death and causing the death of a child in utero, in connection with the deaths of Ashley Bush and her unborn child in federal court in Springfield, Mo.

She previously pleaded innocent to the charges.

Waterman, dressed in white and faded-red jail attire with a chain around her waist, sat at a table between her attorneys at Tuesday's hearing in front of U.S. District Judge Stephen Bough.

The judge questioned Waterman about her mental stability and whether she understood her constitutional rights.


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