Conway police investigating homicide after finding dead man Monday morning

Police tape
Police tape

The Conway Police Department is investigating after officers found a dead man inside a home on Fairview Street.

Israel Damont Credit Jr., 34, was found in a residence in the 600 block of Fairview Street after officers responded to a call just before 9:30 a.m. on Monday, Matthew Boyd, a spokesperson for the department, said Tuesday morning.

The death is being investigated as a homicide, the police department said in a post on Facebook Tuesday morning.

Boyd said he was not authorized to release information pertaining to why the death was being investigated as a homicide.

Police have asked those with information related to Credit's death to contact Detective Steven Spurgers by calling (501) 450-6130 or leaving an anonymous tip by calling the department's tip line at (501) 450-6135.


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