Studio space is a movable feast of sorts for CC Mercer Watson, the Little Rock textile artist, poet and author.
She and her husband, musician Quincy Watson, live with their sweet little dog, Lola, on the first floor of a large house on the west edge of the Quapaw Quarter. Watson works in several rooms, creating large, colorful, narrative-laden, fabric works that she painstakingly stitches by hand.
On a recent afternoon she parts a set of blue-and-white gingham curtains to reveal several works she has arranged in the home's front room. The pieces are Zodiac-themed quilts and will be featured in "Leo Season," her show that opens Aug. 1 at Thea Foundation, 401 Main St., North Little Rock. A few of them are laid on the floor, while two others hang on each side of the fireplace.
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