Police say mother, son found near Mayflower church died from self-inflicted gunshot wounds

The mother and son found dead near a church in Mayflower on Tuesday appear to have died of self-inflicted gunshot wounds, according to police.

Police reported Wednesday that 45-year-old Jalesha Jeffery and her son 24-year-old Antonio Simmons, both of Conway, were found dead with gunshot wounds in the parking lot of the First Baptist Church of Mayflower Tuesday afternoon.

"Following a thorough investigation, all evidence in this case supports that both subjects suffered from self-inflicted gunshot wounds," the Mayflower Police Department said in a post on Facebook Thursday afternoon.

The bodies of Jeffery and Simmons were discovered by officers responding welfare check call, the department said in a Facebook post on Wednesday afternoon.

"The Mayflower Police Department extends our thoughts and prayers to the family during this extremely difficult time," the post on Thursday said.

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