Dean Kumpuris to seek reelection to at-large position on Little Rock city board

FILE — A view of the Little Rock skyline from the Clinton Presidential Park Bridge. (File, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/John Sykes Jr.)
FILE — A view of the Little Rock skyline from the Clinton Presidential Park Bridge. (File, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/John Sykes Jr.)

Little Rock City Director Dean Kumpuris on Thursday filed paperwork to run for reelection in November, according to Deputy City Clerk Allison Segars.

Kumpuris, 76, is one of three at-large representatives on the city board and occupies Position 8. The at-large positions along with the Ward 4 seat will appear on the ballot during the Nov. 5 general election.

A gastroenterologist who resides in Ward 3, Kumpuris has served on the city board since 1995. After initially being appointed to the governing body, he has been reelected seven times, most recently in 2020.

Thursday was the second day of the filing period for municipal offices ahead of the fall general election. Prospective candidates have until noon on Wednesday to return election paperwork.

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