Little Rock City Director Capi Peck on Friday filed paperwork in order to seek a third term representing Ward 4 on the city's Board of Directors, according to Deputy City Clerk Allison Segars.
Peck, 71, is a restaurateur who previously served on the city's Advertising and Promotion Commission.
She was first elected in 2016 and had no opponent during her 2020 reelection bid.
Ward 4 encompasses a northern section of the city, including neighborhoods off Arkansas 10 and Pleasant Valley Drive, and sustained major damage during the March 31, 2023, tornado that hit the metro area.
The filing period for prospective candidates who want to run for municipal office this fall opened July 31. They have until noon Wednesday to return election paperwork.
In addition to the Ward 4 seat, the city board's three at-large positions will appear on the ballot in November.
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