
The following burglaries are from reports collected from the Little Rock Police Department. The names listed are of those who reported a burglary and the dates are when the crime is believed to have taken place. Cammack Village data are not included. Reports from the North Little Rock Police Department were not available last week.

Little Rock


1010 Wolfe St., Kathleen May, 11:40 p.m. July 29, property valued at $401.


6300 Colonel Glenn Road, U-Haul, 7:17 a.m. July 27, property valued at $60,100.

6821 Colonel Glenn Road, Martinez Garage, 10:36 a.m. July 29, property valued at $4,600.

10 Marigold Dr., Taleah Wyatt, 2:29 p.m. July 30, property valued at $1,704.


1600 E. 26th St., Stanley Hastings, 6:51 a.m. July 27, property valued at $50,000.


8801 Doyle Springs Road, Jose Dolores-Santana, 10:47 a.m

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