Two people were killed and another injured in crashes on Arkansas roads Sunday night and Monday afternoon, preliminary reports from the Arkansas State Police state.
Jeffrey Allred, 38, of Hermitage was killed around 8:35 p.m. Sunday when the 2016 GMC Sierra he was driving east on Arkansas 160 near Johnsville in Bradley County left the road after Allred lost control, striking a tree and catching fire, according to a report.
Terry Hill Jr., 40, of Malvern died around 4:05 p.m. Monday after the 2015 Jeep he was driving west on Arkansas 270 near Rockport crossed into the opposite lane and hit a transit van head-on, according to a report.
Hill was pronounced dead at the scene, the report says. The driver of the van, 32-year-old Alice Banks of Malvern, was taken to a Little Rock hospital for treatment.
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