3 killed in Arkansas wrecks Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning

Three people were killed in as many crashes on Arkansas roads Tuesday afternoon and early Wednesday morning, preliminary reports from police state.

Paul Ishmuel, 79, of Jonesboro died around 2:03 p.m. Tuesday after he turned the 2004 Mazda he was driving east on Johnson Street in Jonesboro into the path of a westbound 2013 Hyundai, leading to a collision, a report from Jonesboro police states.

A passenger in the Mazda and the driver of the Hyundai were not injured, the report states.

Kera Alba, 33, of Little Rock died around 1:27 a.m. Wednesday when the 2006 Toyota she was driving west near 11900 Stagecoach Road in Little Rock collided with the trailer of a Volvo tractor-trailer that was turning onto Stagecoach Road, a report from Little Rock police states.

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