Victim in Tuesday homicide in Little Rock identified as wife of suspect

Little Rock police on Thursday identified the woman shot dead Tuesday afternoon at a southwest Little Rock apartment complex, a killing for which the police have arrested the deceased's husband.

Officers responding just before 2 p.m. Tuesday to a report of a shooting at 6 Birdie Lane located Shina Holmes, 39, of Sherwood shot in the parking lot of the Eagle Hill Apartments, a police incident report states. Holmes died at the scene.

Authorities previously listed the address of the shooting as 4 Birdie Lane, apparently based on the dispatch, but the incident report lists 6 Birdie Lane as the address.

On Tuesday, police arrested Earnest Holmes, 42, also of Sherwood, on one count of capital murder, two counts of committing a terroristic act and one count of possession of a firearm by certain persons, the report states.

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