North Little Rock opens cooling center

A box fan helps keep Gregg Pigg cool as he helps clean the kitchen at the Little Rock Compassion Center as temepratures in the region approached 100 degrees Monday, June 24, 2024. Cooling centers are open at the compassion center and community centers including Dunbar, East LR, Southwest, Stephens and West Central. In North Little Rock, a cooling center is open Monday and Tuesday from 10 am to 6 pm at 2700 Willow Street. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Colin Murphey)
A box fan helps keep Gregg Pigg cool as he helps clean the kitchen at the Little Rock Compassion Center as temepratures in the region approached 100 degrees Monday, June 24, 2024. Cooling centers are open at the compassion center and community centers including Dunbar, East LR, Southwest, Stephens and West Central. In North Little Rock, a cooling center is open Monday and Tuesday from 10 am to 6 pm at 2700 Willow Street. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Colin Murphey)

North Little Rock on Thursday afternoon opened a cooling center to offer residents refuge from daytime temperatures high enough to trigger a heat advisory, and the city intends to continue the service Friday.

The center at 2700 Willow Street was open from noon to 6 p.m. on Thursday and was set to be open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, a release from the city states.

The decision came as all of Arkansas was under either a heat advisory or an excessive heat warning on Thursday, a post on social media platform X from the National Weather Service Little Rock states.

"There is really no way to sugarcoat this; it will be dangerously hot across Arkansas today," the post states.

National Weather Service readings from Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport/Adams Field in Little Rock showed that temperatures on Thursday reached a high of 99 degrees in the city, although readings from the North Little Rock Municipal Airport topped out at 90.

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