Board suspends license of ophthalmologist accused of touching patient’s breasts during exam

A phoropter, an instrument used by ophthalmologists to determine patients' eyeglass prescriptions, is pictured in Ada, Okla., in this Sept. 17, 2019 file photo. (AP/Sue Ogrocki)
A phoropter, an instrument used by ophthalmologists to determine patients' eyeglass prescriptions, is pictured in Ada, Okla., in this Sept. 17, 2019 file photo. (AP/Sue Ogrocki)

A state board has suspended the medical license of an ophthalmologist who a patient said asked her to remove her shirt and bra and then touched her breasts during an exam.

According to the Arkansas State Medical Board's emergency order, dated Wednesday, Dr. Robert Baker, whom the board's website lists as having a Fayetteville address, first asked the patient to remove her shirt and bra during a "visual acuity examination" on Sept. 16, but the patient declined, saying she was uncomfortable doing that.

When she returned for another "sensory exam" on Sept. 21, Baker asked the patient again to remove her shirt and bra, and she agreed to do so, the order says. She was not provided with a gown or covering, the order says.


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