Mineral Springs teen found safe following AMBER Alert

Photos of Autumn Nicole Lyon (Courtesy of Arkansas State Police)
Photos of Autumn Nicole Lyon (Courtesy of Arkansas State Police)

The teenager missing from Mineral Springs was found safe shortly before noon on Tuesday, the Arkansas State Police said in news release.

Autumn Nicole Lyon, 16, had first been reported missing on Saturday.

Police did not immediately release where Lyon was found.

Late Monday, the Arkansas State Police upgraded a missing/endangered child advisory to an AMBER Alert for a Mountain Springs 16-year-old.

Lyon was reported missing from Mineral Springs in Howard County on Saturday, the state police said in a news release.

State police sent an initial news release about Lyon on Monday just after 3 p.m. The advisory was upgraded to an an AMBER Alert in a second release just after 9 p.m.

Lyon, a white female with brown hair and hazel eyes, is believed to be with 30-year-old Adrian Graces, who she reportedly met online, police said.


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